I am 24 years old and just three years ago that I started deeply with my passion !, climbing. Since then I have not stopped training and climbing on rock when I had the opportunity. Last year I did my first national performance in Holland Known as NSKB and despite being my first competition I left with good feelings, being in ninth place, then I did an other one in den haag and I got the second place. I work in Gropo Bouldergym as a rout setter. As for my maximum grade made in rock this winter I was lucky to be able to do the « Mega puerta » 8a in the Escorial and « Le vent dans la plaine » 8a in Fountainebleau. Then I made several 7c + as well as « Las 9 Revelaciones in zarzalejo », El Australiano in zarzalejo … Several 7c in fountainebleau as well as the Bérézina, Simetry, La Gaule, Eclipse, Furtive version 7c …